Monday, March 1, 2010


So, the consensus seems to be that this blog must contain the positive aspects of being married to a doctor, but more importantly the negative aspects as well. So, I will try to be honest, but will try not to whine or dwell too much on the negative.

Someone told me the other day: "That blog is a great idea because everyone thinks that it is so luxurious to be married to a doctor, but it's not. It's actually really difficult."

I have wondered if this blog would be at all interesting to people not directly involved with physicians. I'm still not sure, but the point of my blogging is not to make sure people know that it is not merely wonderful and luxurious to be married to a physician.

My main purpose is to share what has helped me to survive the ups and downs of being married to a doctor (pre-med student/medical student/resident, etc.). I think that there could easily be a bit of truth to the popular saying: "Doctors' wives are never happy." But, I can honestly say that I am happy, and that the experiences I have had during these years of training with my husband have been exciting and fun. I really want people to know and feel that they can survive these years also - and happily.

And, I am also blogging because I receive a lot of strength from others and the experiences they've had, and I love to keep in touch with friends that we've made during these years.

A friend has told me for years: doctors' friends are always doctors. Tons of our friends are not doctors, so I have always disagreed. But, if that is often the case, I would suggest that it is because there is an immediate bond between people who have experienced similar (and especially traumatic!!) experiences. And sometimes being married to a medical student or resident is a bit traumatic and "really difficult!"


(Christensen) Fraser, Rachael said...

Liz, I'm so excited you have a blog I can check and read all the time now. I think it is great. You can help so many women out there by sharing your experiences. I will be telling Neal's sister about it as well as ReAnn. Sounds like they might have a somewhat difficult, yet fulfilling, road ahead.
I miss you and love you too.

Timani said...

This is great!!! Anya Turner (Chad Turner's wife recently started
I also visit it's public and there is a private blog for only residents wives, several former UUSOM wives are on there, but I'm the only one from our year...I'll send you an invite and I should invite the others I have email addresses for. It is