Thursday, July 7, 2011

spouses in medical training together, but at different speeds

A reader recently asked about information regarding spouses that are physicians and/or medical students, and the difficulty in landing residencies in the same city.  Her husband (or boyfriend?) is finishing his first year of medical school and she is currently applying to medical school.

My personal experience, derived from friends and stories from friends, reveals that medical schools and residency programs are very accommodating to couples during medical training.  I have also read on school websites the various details surrounding transfers due to a spouse being accepted into a program in another city, etc.  If you are unable to find sufficient information on the school's website to calm your nerves, call the admissions secretary, or the medical school dean's secretary - they are usually wonderful, and extremely knowledgeable.  Also, I must add the expected assumption that if your scores and grades are high and your evaluations are stellar, it is probably much more likely that a program or school will be willing to accommodate you or your spouse, in the event of a necessary transfer or acceptance into their program (i.e. a higher ranking during the match).

Good luck!

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